Research Impact

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The Research Impact Community Group looks to advance research practice, standards, dissemination, and action. We energize the research-to-practice cycle with a focus on impact to the academic mission, including teaching and learning, faculty development, ed tech, student success, and the classroom. We do this by: connecting researchers and practitioners and focusing on community-driven projects, such as building platforms for sharing high impact research, establishing research data frameworks to encourage data sharing, identification of key research areas and questions, and supporting overall quality in teaching and learning research.

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CG Leaders

Community Group Leader
University of Denver
Community Group Leader


  • Research Showcase

    Are you working on something new and exciting that you went to share with the group or get feedback on? Did you recently come across an impactful research study that you just have to tell others about?

    Sign up to share a piece of research (your own, or something you've found) that focuses on something related to teaching and learning at one of our future meetings!

    We're looking for community members to informally share new research with the group at upcoming meetings. This will be informal! Tell us about the research for about 15 minutes, and then we will discuss. No need to prepare slides or visuals unless you want to.
    Sign up at the link below!
  • Research Impact - Repository

    We have launched a new repository as a part of this community group!

    Take a look at the Library section to browse articles and other resources that focus on current trends in teaching-and-learning. 

    This repository will continue to grow as we learn of new research or other helpful resources that have an impact on our teaching-and-learning practices. Want to recommend a resource to be included? Follow the link below to submit a resource!