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This EDUCAUSE community group discusses the types of issues managers and leaders encounter in selecting, planning, implementing, managing, and decommissioning administrative systems, including HR, Finance, and Student ERPs. Issues may include the impacts of new technologies; diverse operating environments; regulatory changes and their effects on systems; project management; and issues of governance. The goal of this group is to help members select, use, support and maintain systems that will effectively serve a broad and often challenging set of institutional and technical needs. The group meets annually at the EDUCAUSE conference and encourages use of the listserv throughout the year.
last person joined 23 hours ago
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Recent breakthroughs in the field of generative AI have caused unprecedented disruption to higher education and beyond. This community group discusses the issues and opportunities related to pedagogical, ethical, privacy, and other aspects of generative AI impacting students, staff, and faculty across higher education.
member last person joined 20 hours ago
This discussion forum, hosted by the ITANA Community Group, is for practitioners interested in discussing API and app integration.
last person joined yesterday
Our mission is to empower Asian and Pacific Islander professionals in higher education by fostering meaningful networking opportunities, promoting professional development, and facilitating the sharing of valuable resources. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and supportive environment where APA employees can connect, collaborate, and contribute to the advancement of higher education.
Higher Education is seeing exponential growth in the field of digital and blended teaching and learning. This EDUCAUSE community group is geared at Directors, Coordinators and/or Administrators of blended and digital programs and provides a space for the exchange of ideas, tips and information related to excellent practices and policies, quality control, accessibility, staffing and structure, as well as management of support services, faculty development, and Learning Management Systems. This group meets at the EDUCAUSE annual conference and uses the electronic discussion list to discuss issues throughout the year.
This EDUCAUSE community group discusses the formation, role, activities and best practices of Business Relationship Management (BRM). This group supports all IT professionals (business relationship managers, customer relationship managers, account managers, etc.) who act as the strategic interface between IT and IT business stakeholders, for the purpose of solution discovery, relationship management and participation in business:IT strategy development. This group meets at the EDUCAUSE annual conference and uses the electronic discussion list to discuss issues throughout the year. There may be additional in-person meetings.
member last person joined 2 days ago
This EDUCAUSE community group is designed for discussion of issues and challenges that affect chief information officers in higher education: the role of the CIO, financing and funding strategies, planning and organizing for information resources (especially information technology) within the institution, human resource issues, policies for the networked information environment, and the future of higher education. This group meets at the EDUCAUSE annual conference and uses the electronic discussion list to discuss issues throughout the year.
last person joined 2 days ago
The Cloud Computing Community Group (CCCG) provides participants with the opportunity to learn about and discuss thechallenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of cloud computing in colleges and universities. Examples ofdiscussion topics include cloud management practices, compliance and legal issues, data privacy and security considerations,cloud identity and access management, cloud service integration (cloud to cloud and cloud to on-premise), research computing,skills and staffing implications, vendor relationship management, and cloud use cases to enable institutional agility, efficiency,and innovation. This group meets monthly via Zoom, at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, and uses this list to discuss issuesthroughout the year.
Esports is a $3 billion industry that continues to grow each and every year. Collegiate esports programs have proven to be a valuable asset to student recruitment, retention and engagement across college campuses in North America. The introduction of collegiate esports programming into the scholastic space has magnified student interest for esports and gaming related careers. This community group will aim to support collegiate and scholastic esports program leaders by hosting discussions, speakers & events, providing resources and sharing best practices.
last person joined 23 days ago
The EDUCAUSE Communications Infrastructure and Applications (CIA) Community Group (CG) focuses on the challenges that higher-education institutions face with respect to enterprise communication, collaboration, mobility, and networking. Communications infrastructure and applications are the underpinnings of today's higher-education enterprise. In today's networked world, IT support for communication and collaboration — whether it be in the cloud or on-premises, hosted or self-supported — goes far beyond basic data networking, telephony, and video in order to provide essential services to the institution. Topics of discussion and exploration in this space revolve around:Telecommunications, including IP telephony, fixed-mobile convergence, and contact centersUnified communications, including presence awareness, multi-point desktop videoconferencing, application sharing, unified messaging, and collaboration platformsImmersive telepresenceCommunication with the public cloud, stand-alone and hybrid models, subnetting, L2 vs. L3, VPNSpecific communications-related/-enhancing technologies and protocols, including VoIP, SIP, campus LAN/Wi-Fi, WiFi cellular, GPS, GIS, and in-building navigation technologyNew and emerging wireless technologies (e.g., TV whitespace, software-defined radio, etc.)Emergency communications management and notification (e.g., NG911, E911, fire, intrusion, panic, campus video surveillance systems, monitoring)All things data networking: LAN, WAN, datacenter networking, research networking, SDN, white-box/open switches, and network function virtualizationNetworking to international campusesSocial networkingCellular technology and support (including DAS, Firstnet, GPS, etc.)The CIA CG provides an opportunity for organizational decision-makers (senior IT managers, CIOs, CTOs, COOs, CFOs, provosts, engineers, etc.) to discuss important communication, collaboration, mobility, and network technology issues: emerging and evolving technologies; operational challenges; peer benchmarking; policies and procedures; regulatory compliance and risk; staffing and service management structures; strategic planning; sustainable funding models; and other relevant topics. In addition, we believe it is crucial to provide a forum for meeting with vendors, especially as more core IT services are potentially commoditized and/or cast into the cloud, and as the seamless integration/interoperability of multiple vended — as well as locally developed — solutions become even more of a necessity and challenge. This group meets at the EDUCAUSE Annual Conference and uses the electronic discussion list to converse on issues throughout the year. In addition, the group may suggest projects that spawn EDUCAUSE Working Groups, which pool their collective resources, time, and energy towards investigating specific challenges and opportunities in this space, sharing individual solutions, and developing effective practices for the higher-education community.
last person joined 15 hours ago
Many of the problems and solutions relevant to community and two-year colleges are different from those of other types of institutions. This community group focuses on how to manage technology-based information resources in the community college environment. This group meets at the EDUCAUSE annual conference and uses the electronic discussion list to discuss issues throughout the year.
This EDUCAUSE community group is sponsored by the Higher Education Information Security Council. The purpose of the group is to provide a forum to identify problems and share strategies or solutions as colleges and universities continue to improve information security governance, compliance, data protection, and privacy programs. The group will also inform the council's Advisory Committee of current issues and trends and will help identify and promote effective community practices.
The purpose of this group is to provide a forum for information security professionals, privacy professionals, and IT communicators to discuss information security and privacy awareness, training, and education efforts on campus. Participants are encouraged to collaborate and share effective practices, resources, and methods to raise awareness of cybersecurity and privacy issues among college and university faculty, staff, students, and executives. This community was formerly known as HEISC Awareness and Education.
The purpose of this group is to provide a forum to discuss information security topics pertaining to governance, risk, privacy, policies, legal issues, and compliance. Participants are encouraged to collaborate and share effective practices and resources that help higher education institutions incorporate information security into the enterprise governance processes, implement information security risk management processes, and understand the implications of existing and proposed laws and industry standards on institutional policies and compliance. This community was formerly known as HEISC Governance, Risk, and Compliance.
The purpose of this group is to provide a forum to discuss practices, tools, and procedures that higher education institutions have found to be practical solutions to preventing or responding to security problems, with an emphasis on technology and process solutions. Participants are encouraged to collaborate and share resources or effective methods related to operational security procedures and responsibilities. This community was formerly known as HEISC Technologies, Operations, and Practices.
In the age of analytics, building a strong data foundation is essential: ensuring data conforms to standards, is of high quality, is available when needed, and is managed by Data Stewards. The Data Governance Community Group is a venue for data governance managers—and open to those seeking to initiate data governance programs.
This EDUCAUSE community group provides participants with a forum for ideation, collaboration, knowledge sharing and discussing successes and challenges related to the key aspects of data strategy development and execution. Participants are encouraged to collaborate on issues related to the value proposition of data strategy, success criteria, roadmaps, design, best practices, and guiding principles. The group enables participants in collaborating and assisting with various aspects of design and development for strategic initiatives, pertaining to data projects, cloud platforms, and service offerings. Join our community of data strategy professionals to learn more about leading and participating in the development and execution of data strategy that is geared towards driving greater customer experience, data-informed decision-making, actionable analytics, and operational excellence in your institutions.
This EDUCAUSE community group provides higher education IT professionals with a forum for discussion and learning about the DevOps model of team IT management and service delivery. This group will provide a community for IT managers and practitioners who have implemented DevOps practices, or are considering how to shift their existing organizational behavior to a DevOps process. Discussions may include topics such as team culture and communication, systems automation and monitoring, infrastructure as code, Agile approaches to service delivery and CI/CD, blame-free cultures, and lean business practices. This group meets at the annual EDUCAUSE conference and uses various electronic collaboration tools to stay in touch throughout the year.
The Digital Signage Community Group provides participants with the opportunity to discuss issues and challenges associated with the design, deployment, and management of campus digital signage networks. Discussion topics include best practices for hardware/software selection and implementation, content creation and management, integration with emergency notification systems, identifying and engaging key stakeholders, building business cases and funding models, and the development of effective governance models. This group meets at the EDUCAUSE annual conference and uses the electronic discussion list to discuss issues throughout the year.
The EDUCAUSE Dx community group is designed for discussion of issues and challenges related to the digital transformation of higher education and the exchange of information and ideas among campus leaders seeking to advance digital transformation initiatives. The group brings together leaders from across the institution, including CIOs and leaders from the teaching and learning community.
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