Small Colleges

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This Educause Community Group is designed for the discussion of information technology issues that are unique to small colleges, those with an FTE enrollment under 5,000. 
We share our issues, ideas, and solutions related to the planning, implementation, and management of technology-related resources.
We have bi-monthly meet-ups on zoom, covering a variety of topics. Participants are encouraged to submit discussion items ahead of time but may also ask for feedback during the meeting. Occasionally we have special topic conversations or webinars on zoom. And we have an active discussion forum.

When posting to the discussions, it is very helpful to include your institutional affiliation and contact info.

Latest Discussions

  • Join us for our Small College Technology Leaders CG conversation (7/24/24 @ 3PM EST)! We are revisiting some of the great questions that have come across the community group over the last couple of ...

  • Good morning, Most vendor contracts I review do not adequately address confidentiality and appropriate handling of data that is in their possession. Would colleges be willing to share the clauses they ...

  • At Thomas College, we are integrating AI responsibilities into other key academic/Library/IT positions instead. Christopher Rhoda Vice President of Information Services and CIO ...

  • Hi all! My name is Taylor Swaak, I'm the tech and innovation reporter at The Chronicle of Higher Education . I'm working on a piece about colleges hiring AI talent, and what that strategy/process has ...

  • Profile Picture


    Being new to the group, I am reaching out for guidance regarding the potential outsourcing of our college's IT department or utilizing a third party to address areas that need attention. If any of you ...

CG Leaders

Community Group Leader
American College of Healthcare Sciences
Community Group Leader
Community Group Leader


  • Join us for our Small College Technology Leaders CG conversation (7/24/24 @ 3PM EST)

    Join us for our Small College Technology Leaders CG conversation (7/24/24 @ 3PM EST)

    We are revisiting some of the great questions that have come across the community group over the last couple of months. Please bring any new burning questions so we can discuss them in our open exchange.


  • Navigating the Executive Search Process

    What should I expect when I apply for a senior leadership position? What is the role of a search firm and how should I interact with them? How do I know if I’m ready for a role? How can I best tell my story to land the job?

    This one-hour interactive session will explore these and other questions to increase participant understanding of how institution’s hire senior IT executives and provide advice on how to prepare for a recruitment process. Next Generation Leadership Partners, a leader in higher education searches for senior IT executives will provide an insider’s view of the search process and the role of search firms. After a brief overview of the search process, the Next Generation team will lead small group discussions for participants to dig deeper into three aspects of the search process: 
    1.     Communicating your brand through your resume, cover letter and social media,
    2.     Interviewing successfully, and
    3.     Evaluating if a role and organization is right for you. 
    Participants will take away lessons learned from the search consultants and one another and leave the session better prepared to pursue their career goals.  
  • Tackling the VMware Price Spike Together: Community Gathering (April 24th at 3PM EST)

    Small College Technology Leader CG - April 24 @ 3pm