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I'm part of a digital credentials research project out of the Georgia Institute of Technology. We are conducting research on the visual design of digital credentials in higher education, aiming to provide ...
We were using Canvas Credentials and are moving to Credly. The users are able to add their personal email to their account to maintain access to their badges. Erin Riesgo, ...
We use Canvas Credentials and Badgr. They can take their "backpack" of badges with them and if they don't keep their school email they could most likely change the password in badgr. They also easily can ...
We use Milestone from Anthology. It comes with a virtual portfolio called Achievement Studio (AS). Students can continue access to AS via a personal email.
For those of you who have a badging platform/are awarding digital badges, how are you allowing students to "take" their badges with them once they graduate. Specifically, in the student's school email ...
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