Network Management

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This EDUCAUSE community group provides interested higher education professionals with an opportunity to share ideas and concerns about managing and supporting networks, including the expanding area of wireless networks. Topics include new technologies, hardware and software standards, user support. 

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  • Hi Sheila, et al. I have been eating, sleeping and drinking Change Enablement (and/or Control, Management) for about a decade here at University of Washington IT (UW-IT). (Sometime running my ...

  • How timely - I'm literally giving a presentation on this to the rest of our IT community later today. The method that we have adopted is to use a risk/impact scoring rubric to determine how a change ...

  • Ugh. The forward didn't include the original email with links: So everyone has it before July 1 when the new Educause policy goes into effect, affecting contributing CG members of corporate ...

  • All, Reminder that we are doing a full day preconference workshop the Monday of the EDUCAUSE conference in San Antonio (October 21). REGISTER TODAY!! Pretty please. You can come in person ...

  • This is opinion here and what I've strived for across multiple jobs. <SOAPBOX> I'm going to use ITIL terminology here All normal changes should get a peer review. The help catch ...

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