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Based on what I know about "training" with a CNN, I don't think it's possible to remove all of the data. --henry
Add that to we don't know , currently, how to get data back out of an llm... ----------------------- Marg(aret) Knox Executive Director, Office of the CIO The University of Texas System 701 W 7th Austin, ...
re: when " our data is needed to train a model" - then the model can output that data - hmmm, if a campus researcher puts a patent application into gAI so have the text reviewed and get suggestions on improving the presentation and then ...
Hi all, Does anyone have experiences to share with their institution migrating from CS-Gold to Transact IDX? Anne Marie -- Anne Marie Richard, Ph.D. Interim Chief Academic Technology Officer Pronouns : she/her ...
Phan, One example of case by case. The default should perhaps be that no institutional data be used to train a model. But a nuance may be where in fact our data is needed to train a model so that our results are more applicable, for example in health ...
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