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  • Based on what I know about "training" with a CNN, I don't think it's possible to remove all of the data. --henry

  • Add that to we don't know , currently, how to get data back out of an llm... ----------------------- Marg(aret) Knox Mknox@utsystem.edu Executive Director, Office of the CIO The University of Texas System 701 W 7th Austin, ...

  • re: when " our data is needed to train a model" - then the model can output that data - hmmm, if a campus researcher puts a patent application into gAI so have the text reviewed and get suggestions on improving the presentation and then ...

  • Posted in: CIO

    Hi all, Does anyone have experiences to share with their institution migrating from CS-Gold to Transact IDX? Anne Marie -- Anne Marie Richard, Ph.D. Interim Chief Academic Technology Officer Pronouns : she/her ...

  • Phan, One example of case by case. The default should perhaps be that no institutional data be used to train a model. But a nuance may be where in fact our data is needed to train a model so that our results are more applicable, for example in health ...

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