

Luis Quispe Quispe

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Posted By Luis Quispe Quispe 11-04-2024 09:05:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Network Management
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Sorry if this has been discussed before. A new doppler radar will be installed on top of our tallest building on campus. The engineers doing the installation say the coverage angle of this radar will ensure the scanning to stay above any building on campus. I don't have experience with this topic, but ...
Posted By Luis Quispe Quispe 09-30-2023 07:24:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Wireless Local Area Networking
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Maybe this can help. We had a similar issue with 2017 Mac laptops randomly disconnecting. For us it turned out to be the beacon size for our SSIDs supporting AX were of a size making the process on the NIC cards crash. This was an issue with the types of boards used on these laptops. We could see the ...
Posted By Luis Quispe Quispe 08-03-2023 01:19:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Wireless Local Area Networking
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Hello Eric, Below is what we currently have deployed with the understanding that it could change to make the user experience better. Main SSID – EAP-TLS authentication. Segmented by Role (student, staff, faculty, etc) Access to internal resources determined by role. IoT SSID – Private-PSK ...
Posted By Luis Quispe Quispe 11-07-2022 08:21:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Network Management
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Hello, We use 30+ VRFs for various segments. Internet traffic and inter-segment goes through a pair of next gen firewalls. All traffic sits on top of a SPB fabric for low complexity. Luis Quispe Stevens Institute of Technology Get Outlook for Android
Posted By Luis Quispe Quispe 09-13-2022 08:06:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Wireless Local Area Networking
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Hello, I wanted to share in case anyone has been experiencing random disconnects from 2016-2017 older MacBook laptops on 802.11AX networks. In our environment, this has to do with the beacon size our wireless access points send out, and what breaks on these laptops. We had a few users complaining ...
Posted By Luis Quispe Quispe 04-12-2022 12:20:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Wireless Local Area Networking
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Hello Vincent, We are in the process of moving to XIQ from Aruba, hope my following comments help. Assuming your VLANs are bridged properly to your switch, the port needs to be configured as untagged for the AP vlan and tagged for the user vlans. You can do this manually on a test AP first ...
Posted By Luis Quispe Quispe 02-12-2022 06:03:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Wireless Local Area Networking
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Hello Drew, We are 70% done with our transition to a next-Gen wireless deployment with Extreme Network XIQ. We have segmented our network where our main type of users have their own VRF with a wireless VLAN. So the Student VRF, for example, would have one wireless VLAN and the same for Staff and ...