

Noah Geisel

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Colorado Boulder

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Posted By Noah Geisel 06-04-2024 03:40:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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Hello Elisabeth, This is a really important question, and I also think a really cool opportunity for learning and program designers to consider, because it likely leads to a decision that will be complicated to revisit once made and implemented at scale. Specific to noncredit micro-credentials, ...
Posted By Noah Geisel 04-16-2024 09:36:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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Great questions Kim! First, I hope you appreciate how awesome it is that your campus recognizes the importance of Communications leadership. Peter Thorsett (now at Alamo, whose stellar resources have already been linked by @Kelly Hoyland) and Hilary Culbertson (now at Duke) both led successful implementations ...
Posted By Noah Geisel 03-18-2024 10:51:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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Hello Melissa, This is a really important topic and I appreciate how you've framed it. Too often, technology procurement begins with asking around for "Which X is the best option?" instead of starting with a process of identifying "What are the functional requirements needed from X tool in order ...
Posted By Noah Geisel 02-21-2024 08:38:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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Great topic, Justin, thanks for bringing it up. Something related that just landed on my radar is that there may be export related concerns with credentials for learners or organizations outside of the U.S. I'm still in the learning phase, so can't yet offer anything more helpful than to flag it ...
Posted By Noah Geisel 11-28-2023 04:29:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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Figured folks on this list would be interested to know about these updates: The University of Oklahoma has posted a Micro-Credentialing Coordinator position (makes me wonder if a hot topic here in the coming months will be people wanting to share job descriptions as more and more campus created dedicated ...
Posted By Noah Geisel 09-18-2023 04:16:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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Hello Michael, I know that Kelly Hoyland at 1EdTech was collecting a repository of these job descriptions. I'll make sure she sees this thread and invite her to share 💫 ------------------------------ Noah Geisel Micro-Credentials Program Manager University of Colorado Boulder ...
Posted By Noah Geisel 02-14-2023 04:36:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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We don't yet have that published online but we will very soon. In the meantime, I hope this gives you the general gist: For Credit Micro-Credentials Criteria: Smaller (fewer credits) than Minors, Certificates and Degrees Larger than a single course: 2 or more courses ...
Posted By Noah Geisel 02-13-2023 10:37:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Microcredentials and Badges
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Hello Michael, I love your questions and how you've articulated them here. It's a potentially thorny issue because there's a real risk that certain design decisions will alienate some of the enthusiastic early adopters who you most need to be buying in to your implementation. For me, the framework ...