

Briana Allen

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Posted By Briana Allen 01-31-2024 09:34:20 AM
Found In Egroup: Instructional Design
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Hi Molly, We implemented a Box folder for each term that is upload only. Instructors receive the link as part of their term prep and are expected to upload their syllabus prior to the quarter's start date. So far, it's been easier to collect instructor's syllabi and we get almost 100% participation ...
Posted By Briana Allen 12-15-2022 07:56:02 AM
Found In Egroup: User Experience and Service Design Practice
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Hi Christy, I, too, saw the overlap in UX with my role as an instructional designer. I took the UX certificate program at Loyola University and found it to be extremely useful. Almost immediately I was able to put my new skills to work as our team began to rethink our professional development offerings ...