

Heather Brown

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Posted By Heather Brown 07-26-2024 09:28:25 AM
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Thanks for sharing, Brandon. On the waitlist. I subscribe to the Axios AI+ newsletter with Ina Fried and like how she framed the OpenAI SearchGPT. Axios AI+ ------------------------------ Dr. Heather M. Brown Instructional Designer Tidewater Community College Norfolk, VA 23523 ---------------- ...
Posted By Heather Brown 07-23-2024 11:56:29 AM
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Meta just released Llama 3.1, the newest version of its open-source model family, alongside its prized 405B model-the first-ever open-sourced frontier AI model. Watch the video interview with Mark Zuckerbuer, CEO of Meta, and Rowan Cheung, Founder of The Rundown AI newsletter. Mark Zuckerberg on ...
Posted By Heather Brown 07-23-2024 08:18:45 AM
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Hi John, Thanks so much for sharing your framework for AI "micro apps" and the talk you gave. Looking forward to reviewing these! Heather Heather M. Brown, Ph.D. Instructional Designer Center for Teaching Excellence Tidewater Community College ---------------- 111-A Princess Anne Building ...
Posted By Heather Brown 07-22-2024 02:46:28 PM
Found In Library: AI
Posted By Heather Brown 07-22-2024 02:46:00 PM
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I am just sharing resources I've put together. Feel free to pass along to others. The date on the document is wrong and should read July 22. Have a great evening...Heather ------------------------------ Dr. Heather M. Brown Instructional Designer Tidewater Community College Norfolk, VA 23523 --- ...
Posted By Heather Brown 07-18-2024 09:23:00 AM
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Hi everyone! Whew, I'm back from a 10-day catamaran sailing trip in the BVIs! :) It was absolutely wonderful. I need this group's assistance. I'm working on a webinar with our dear friends at Alchemy (date to be determined but will be shared here) on helping faculty plan/manage for AI when it comes ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-30-2024 04:51:18 PM
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Posted By Heather Brown 06-30-2024 04:51:00 PM
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Happy Fourth of July week...I'm sure many, including myself, will be on hiatus this week but I wanted to send out some AI resources I curated before I leave on Monday. Headed out on a catamaran for 10 days of bliss :) Have a wonderful and SAFE holiday...Heather ------------------------------ ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-26-2024 09:34:26 AM
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Hi EJ, Thank you so much for sharing! I can't wait to dive in and share with others. :) Heather M. Brown, Ph.D. Instructional Designer Center for Teaching Excellence Tidewater Community College ---------------- 111-A Princess Anne Building Virginia Beach, VA 23456 (o): 757-822-7624 (e): ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-25-2024 08:27:00 AM
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Just released! And surprisingly enough, those emerging technologies are not dominated by AI! The Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024 | World Economic Forum ( I like what Andrew Maynard has to say about the inclusion of non-AI technologies in the Top Ten list: "Rather than being digital ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-25-2024 07:44:17 AM
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Posted By Heather Brown 06-25-2024 07:44:00 AM
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I've been slack! Here are some AI resources I have curated. I hope everyone is having a great start to summer! Heather ------------------------------ Dr. Heather M. Brown Instructional Designer Tidewater Community College Norfolk, VA 23523 ------------------------------
Posted By Heather Brown 06-14-2024 12:46:03 PM
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John, Thank you for your rule of thumb definitions regarding AI and data privacy. These are the best descriptions, for me anyway, that I've seen and easy to remember and explain. Heather M. Brown, Ph.D. Instructional Designer Center for Teaching Excellence Tidewater Community College ---------------- ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-13-2024 02:14:56 PM
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Alex - the pleasure is all mine! �� I love meeting folks from this group, especially when we can collaborate and help each other navigate this complex AI world. Our collective knowledge and experience can truly make a difference how we work and teach with AI! �� I know someone in this group will have ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-13-2024 06:34:00 AM
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I wanted to share a resource on writing across the curriculum compiled by Anna Mills. These are open course materials on AI. Anna has graciously shared these resources, and you can copy and customise them if you give credit and follow the license directions in the document. Enjoy! AI Text Generators: ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-11-2024 09:23:13 AM
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An article written for EDUCAUSE - just sharing as some may have missed this piece. Given the potential ramifications of artificial intelligence (AI) diffusion on matters of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, now is the time for higher education institutions to adopt culturally aware, ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-11-2024 09:14:00 AM
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Just a reminder... EDUCAUSE Teaching and Learning Symposium June 12, 2024 Online The 2024 EDUCAUSE Teaching and Learning Symposium brings together our community of higher education teaching and learning professionals for an immersive online conference of shared learning, co-creation, and storytelling. ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-06-2024 01:20:50 PM
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I took Ethan up on his suggestion in his substack, to create a song in Suno. So simple and easy! I LOVE IT! Too much fun. Here was my prompt: a catchy tune about my two kitty cats, Buddie and Lollie. They love sunshine, laser tag, and me. Here's the output: ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-06-2024 12:49:00 PM
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Hi, everyone... I wanted to share Dr. Mollick's always insightful opinions about AI. He calls it his 'opinionated Midyear edition'. :) Enjoy... Doing Stuff with AI: Opinionated Midyear Edition ( ------------------------------ Dr. Heather M. Brown Instructional Designer Tidewater ...
Posted By Heather Brown 06-03-2024 09:23:00 AM
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This is a wonderful resource, Joe! Thank you for sharing. We are piloting M360 Copilot, and I know our institution has a set of questions; I'm just not privy to them. However, I have shared your document with those at the helm of the piloting project in OIS. I'm certain others out there will find ...