

Marianne Colgrove

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Posted By Marianne Colgrove 10-28-2022 05:25:30 PM
Found In Egroup: Small Colleges
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Hi Jason, Reed does not have an official BYOD policy, but we strongly recommend that all students have their own computer that meets some minimum specs. We have various programs to help students with financial need get access to computer technology, including borrowing a computer for the academic year, ...
Posted By Marianne Colgrove 11-01-2021 04:33:12 PM
Found In Egroup: CIO
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HI Taj, I'm in IT and I'm the PCI coordinator for Reed. This originally came about because our controller was on the verge of retiring and it didn't make sense for her to do it. Also, as you point out, there's a significant technology component. The technology strategy you pursue could affect the ...