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Welcome to the home of the Privacy Community Group!This community was formerly known as HEISC Privacy.
Thanks Pegah! As I read Chris' original question, it reminded me that public institutions that are subject to sunshine laws could be required in many cases to share such reports with the public upon request. ...
Thanks Pegah! The committee concept sounds like a good one. I would be interested in your sharing guidelines. Those kinds of scenarios have been popping up regularly lately. We have been pushing back ...
We at UC San Diego have a new Student Data Access Committee (more concerned with the why of access, not the how/tech part of access). We review requests for privacy, security, being in line with our principles ...
Thanks Mark. I agree 100%. Operationalizing that is the tricky part. Chris
No answers here... but I have an opinion. We are stewards of valuable personal data. We can use that data and improve general knowledge benefitting current and future students. We can ...
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